What You Should Do Before Getting Rid of Your Old Device


So you got a new smartphone or replaced your old computer, laptop or tablet. When you use a device your data is stored on the hard drive, if you do not dispose of your device correctly it can put you at risk of a cyberattack or identity theft. In your excitement to use your new technology it is easy to forget about the old, but what should you do with your old devices?

Here are some tips to protect your information when you need to dispose of an old device.

Back Up Your Stuff – This may seem like a no-brainer but there is nothing more frustrating than using your new device and not having your files and pictures. Make sure you transfer your files to either to a new device, removable drive or cloud storage.

Erase the Old – Once you have your information saved to a secure place you need to delete the information off of the old device. Formatting a hard drive or cell phone does not delete all of your information. To completely delete information use a service or program to wipe the device.

To Donate Old Phones or Not? – If you have a recent mobile device which uses encryption, if you back up your data and change the password your information should be safe. If you are unsure if your model and operating system uses encryption you can do a web search to confirm.

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