Medicare is available to those over 65 years old, those who are disabled, and those with end-stage renal disease. Some people wonder if they can join Medicare if they are healthy and still working. The answer is yes, with some stipulations.
If you have employer-sponsored health insurance and don’t want to switch to Medicare at age 65, you don’t have to. However, some employers cease their coverage when you are eligible for Medicare, so check the enrollment rules at your job.
Medicare is often less expensive and equally as good as work-based plans. In fact, if you’ve paid taxes through an employer for at least 10 years, you might receive Medicare Part A for no premium. Part A pays for hospital, rehab, inpatient mental health, and other health facility needs. If you aren’t eligible for Medicare Part A with no premium, you may still be able to get it—with a premium—if you are enrolled in Medicare Part B.
Part B covers doctors appointments, lab tests, therapy, outpatient care, and other services and products. You must apply for Part B three months before your 65th birthday, during the month of your birthday, or three months after your 65th birthday. If you miss that seven-month window, you might have to pay a penalty.
That said, if you still have employer-sponsored health insurance or are married to someone who does and you have coverage through that employer, you get a little break on the enrollment window. You have eight months after the time that coverage ends to enroll in Medicare without a penalty.
Medicare has prescription and other coverages as well, so work with your insurance agent to make it all dovetail with any job-related insurance you have and to make sure you don’t miss any deadlines.